Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois has issued an official decree declaring that any Catholic politician who voted for a pair of radical pro-abortion laws recently passed in the state must refrain from receiving Communion until they have been reconciled with Christ and the Church.
Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, is being sued by a professor who was punished after he declined a male student’s demand to be referred to as a woman.
A Staten-Island grade school has become the laughing stock of the country after it cancelled its annual father-daughter dance because it is not inclusive enough of transgenders and those who are gender nonconforming.
A new study has found that free speech in America may be on its way to becoming just another phrase in a text book as a majority of Americans now admit that they keep silent rather than speak out of fear of reprisals.
In keeping with a campaign promise to handle the infestation of political correctness in the military, President Donald J. Trump announced today that transgenders will be banned from serving in the military.
In the two weeks since the release of a published report stating that officials in the northern English town of Rotherham had ignored the rape of at least 1,400 children by mostly Pakistani, more officials are stepping down, additional victims are coming forward, death threats are being made to officials defending the children and an uptick in hate crimes against Muslims has ensued.
by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
A 12 year-old Toronto girl stunned her teachers and has become an instant celebrity on Youtube after delivering a five-minute pro-life speech for a school competition. Even though teachers threatened to disqualify her, and one judge actually left the room during the speech, in the end, the girl was awarded first prize for her “controversial” message.