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4400% Increase in UK Children Wanting To Change Sex

Officials in the UK have launched an inquiry into the causes behind an alarming 4400 percent increase in the number of children who want to change their sex.

The Telegraph is reporting on the soaring rates of children seeking sex change therapy in the UK and how the Minister for Woman and Equalities, Penny Mordaunt, will look into whether or not social media and the teaching of transgender issues in schools may be playing a role.

“In 2009/10 a total of 40 girls were referred by doctors for gender treatment. By 2017/18 that number had soared to 1,806. Referrals for boys have risen from 57 to 713 in the same period,” the Telegraph reports. “Last year 45 children referred for NHS treatment were aged six or under, with the youngest being just four, though younger children are not given drugs.”

UK doctors are already sounding the alarm that drug treatment is being offered too readily to children as young as 10 years old without these youngsters fully understanding the ramifications of what they are doing.

Dr. Joanna Williams, academic researcher and author of the book Women vs. Feminism, agrees, and believes schools are causing gender confusion in children because of misguided policies that cater toward a small minority of trans children who currently enrolled in schools.

“By the time they start school, most children know their name, how old they are and where they live. Most also know for certain whether they are a boy or a girl. Despite this, many primary schools now have policies in place ‘to support trans children’ and to ‘provide a broad overview of the needs of transgender children and their families’.”

These include gender neutral facilities, uniforms, and language.

Although children start school knowing the difference between genders, they are “quickly encouraged to unlearn this knowledge,” she told The Independent.

This can be counterproductive, she continued, “encouraging even the youngest children to question whether they really are a boy or a girl.”

Another concern involves the findings of recent studies where almost two-thirds of children and teens who said they wanted to change their sex had been previously diagnosed with serious mental disorders.

Doctors are also concerned about the long-term side effects of giving hormone treatment to young children because of the risk of causing infertility and osteoporosis.

The American College of Pediatricians issued a statement in 2017 in which it stated that “Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.”

They are encouraging healthcare professionals, educations, and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex.

As the College said, and the UK government is learning, “Facts, not ideology, determine reality.”

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