Blog Post

Inside Planned Parenthood: The Grisly Details

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

As the public debate over the rise of extreme abortion policies reaches a feverish pitch in the U.S., more former Planned Parenthood employees are coming forward to tell a damning tale about the ghoulish work that goes on inside these clinics.

Thanks to the excellent reporting of Grace Carr for The Daily Signal, several former Planned Parenthood clinic employees are speaking out about the horrors they experienced while employed by the nation’s largest abortion provider.

One former employee named Myra Kincaid worked as a surgical assistant at Planned Parenthood in Baltimore. Recruited by Planned Parenthood just before she graduated college, the company didn’t emphasize their abortion work at the beginning of her employment. She was told they provided medical services like cancer screenings.

However, shortly after she started, she was “thrown right into the surgical room where they perform the abortions, and that’s because they were so short-staffed that they had to rush me through training.”

What she saw during ultra-sound guided abortions began to open her eyes to the reality of what was happening to the innocent children in the womb.

“It wasn’t until I had to actually pick out the pieces of children, that’s when I started looking at these little arms and little legs. They’re like little dolls,” she said.

She tried to tell herself that she was somehow helping women and was relieved when she became a counselor at the clinic and no longer had to witness abortions. It was here that she felt she could make a difference in the lives of women. But she soon found herself in conflict with clinic bosses when patients walked out of the clinic with prenatal vitamins instead of an abortion because she refused to pressure unsure women into abortions.

From there, she was assigned to travel twice a week to a clinic in Annapolis to provide services. This clinic was staffed by mostly teenagers with no medical backgrounds who began to work at age 18. The only requirements were a high school diploma or GED.

It all came to a head one day when a young woman came in for an abortion and ultrasounds showed she was pregnant with quadruplets. The woman, who had been impregnated by a much older man who was pressuring her to abort, came to the clinic three times and refused an abortion. Finally, on the fourth and last visit, she came to the clinic in excruciating pain and bleeding profusely after another clinic gave her the pills to begin a chemical abortion.

At this point, she was too far along for the babies to be saved. As they were prepping the woman for surgery, a baby fell out in the toilet.

“Two others were hanging out of her,” Kincaid said. They fell “[into] a little bowl, holding each other.”

The fourth baby was suctioned out.

All four babies looked older than 14 weeks. There were male and had all of their organs.

According to Kincaid, staff members were left traumatized and weeping, and were told not to speak of the incident.

Kincaid began to have nightmares about what she saw that day and said she woke up one morning and realized, “I can’t do this anymore.”

Thanks to the help of And Then There Were None, a group that helps abortion workers leave the industry, she got out and is now a registered medical assistant at a general practitioner’s office.

Another employee, Monica Cline, was trained by Planned Parenthood to teach at sexual health conferences hosted by the organization. When she was told about sexual deviancy involving minors and older men, she asked the director of education how to stop it.

She was told, “We’re not going to stop them. We’re not about abstaining or avoiding those risk[y] behaviors. We’re just going to get them condoms and provide abortions.”

Cline was also told that it was “Best to leave parents out of it. Once parents are involved, they will get angry, and that keeps them [girls] from coming back from [to] Planned Parenthood.”

This in spite of the fact that medical professionals are required to report sexual abuse of minors.

It was only after teaching a sex education conference in Waco, Texas with girls as young as 11 in attendance, that she realized she had to leave.

“We were bombarding innocent girls with videos of sexual encounters and disease. I left there so angry that I took part in educating those girls that way,” Cline said. “I swore I would never teach that again … I needed to get out.”

Annette Lancaster started working as a health center manager for a Planned Parenthood clinic in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, in 2015 and left after nine months. Hired to administrative work, she soon found herself in the procedure room overseeing abortions.

She also began to notice “a lot of cutting of policies and procedures, people would bend the rules for certain things,” such as allow staff to assist with medical procedures despite having no training or medical background.

In fact, she was asked to perform ultrasounds on women who were scheduled for abortions in spite of having no training at all in the use of the equipment.

Lancaster was eventually “quit-fired” because the abortion numbers in her clinic were going down. She was called into her boss’ office and told that she didn’t “fit in” at the clinic.

“I think I stayed as long as I did because of the challenge. I was trying to change the culture … it was very dark, a lot of dark humor, a lot of dark jokes,” she said. “I thought I could change it, I thought I could make a difference.”

Of course, when the Daily Caller News Foundation asked Planned Parenthood for a comment, the organization denied everything.

“These claims are simply false,” said Planned Parenthood Director of Health Media Elizabeth Clark. While confirming that Kincaid, Cline, and Lancaster worked for the organization, she went on to say that “The reality is that Planned Parenthood follows all laws and has extremely high medical and professional standards. If we discover any instance where those standards aren’t being met, we take swift action.”

It’s hard to believe Planned Parenthood when so many former workers tell the same story. At the end of this month, a movie about the inner workings of Planned Parenthood according to a former clinic manager, Abby Johnson. Johnson quit after watching an ultra-sound guided abortion where the fetus twisted and squirmed to get away from the surgical instruments. She was one of the first former employees to reveal the pressure placed on clinics to perform more abortions because of how profitable they are.

The movie will be released in select theaters on March 29. Click here for more information.