Blog Post

Chilling Testimony From Former Occultist

The following testimony was sent to EWTN following a Wacky Wednesday radio show. The author acknowledges that the people who believe in the powers of the occult are also the same people who disparage the Christian belief in demonic powers. But after her own experience, she now knows just how right we are!

I became interested in the occult/ paganism/ Wicca and astrology at a young age as a teenager and fallen away Catholic, despite the fact that my father warned me against it.

I lived with my mother who was not religious nor do I think she was savvy enough in a way to stop me from practicing occultism. Never the less my interests in it carried on into adult hood. I was very heavily into astrology and astrology readings.

I also had lived a life full of promiscuity, alcohol and also mostly drug abuse. Until I became married all of that stopped except for my interests in occultism.

I had had a dark presence follow me around for so long that I just chalked up my nightmares to being normal, perhaps I was “cursed with a gift” that I wasn’t sure how to harness, or maybe it was just my general anxiety I lived with my whole life.

I kid you not I always felt afraid when I was alone. I never fully felt alone though, like someone was always watching me. I was afraid of the dark. I was afraid at night even as an adult! I always felt like someone was behind me or in the corner of my room or even sitting on the foot of my bed. I had constant terrible uncontrollable nightmares of suffocation, demonic possessions, waking up terrified that something was in the room with me. I always felt like I was being followed or something was in the house with me. But I thought all of this was normal because I had been this way since childhood.

My last nightmare was when my son was an infant and I had the terrible feeling of being choked by a demon inside me coming between me and my child, of my voice changing to some demonic sound when I tried to cry for help. When I was finally able to awake from the nightmare I was so afraid all I wanted to do was pray ( which I had not done since I was a little girl). But I could not pray! Though dreams like this were a common occurrence for me and had been for years they were also getting worse and more real.

Shortly after this I decided to come back to my faith. We decided to have my son baptized, I was confirmed in the Church, and we had our marriage con-validated all in the same year.

After some time had past I realized that it had been months since the feeling of uneasiness, paranoia, being followed and most certainly the awful constant nightmares had stopped. It has now been two years since then and my life has completely changed from something so scary that I thought was just normal – but it wasn’t. There’s no telling how much worse things would have gotten for me and my family had I not turned away from occultism and returned to my faith.

Please share my story with others

Sincerely, A 35 year old married revert Catholic and mother to a beautiful son

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