The Lime Hack, which supposedly helps children to sleep through the night, is not just New Age, it’s an idea cooked up by an Australian medium that has gone viral on social media.
According to the Irish Mirror, the Lime Hack was invented by an Australian influencer, psychic medium, and mother of two named Jessica Lynne which supposedly helps her children to sleep through night.
“Cut a lime in half, put the two halves in a dish and put them in your bedrooms (make sure you keep them away from your pets as they are toxic to them),” Lynne instructs on Instagram. “You can also diffuse lime around your house to promote calmness & clean slate energy.”
She goes on to inform that “Limes are an amazing cleansing agent that rid negative fear-based energies and any dark entities that have made their way into your house.”
Anyone who has even a fundamental knowledge of the nature of Satan can tell you that the forces of darkness are hardly put off by a bowl of sliced limes. However, demons love to play along with these silly ideas because they lead people to put their faith in superstitious practices rather than in God. And it works! Why? Because these beings possess preternatural intelligence and powers that enable them to control the physical elements of the earth, shapeshift into whatever creature they want to mimic ( including people’s deceased relatives), communicate with the human spirit, move at the speed of thought, and convince people they’re seeing things that aren’t really there. Getting kids to sleep through the night is the least of what they can do.
Not surprisingly, many of Lynne’s followers sent in rave reviews for the Lime Hack with one friend saying her house was so quiet the night she used the hack that she checked the cameras to be sure her sons were still there.
“Limes have helped hundreds of my clients’ families sleep well,” Lynne brags.
When checking into her background, we found that her only credentials for creating this magical sleep remedy are the spirits she consorts with.
“Jessica has always been a very spiritual person believing that the universe has a way of guiding us forward through our lives with the help of spirits and angels,” her website explains. “She has been blessed with the gift of being able to connect with the spirit world, and is honored to be given the opportunity to reconnect you with your departed loved ones.”
Believing that a lime cut in half in a bowl of water and placed in your child’s bedroom has the power to help him/her sleep is no different than believing a rabbit’s foot will bring you good luck. Inanimate objects do not have this kind of power. Even in the case of blessed objects, it’s not the object that has the power, but the blessing that is upon it.
Needless to say, Christians should avoid using the Lime Hack to get their children to bed at night, or for any other purpose other than to enjoy this delicious fruit!
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