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Equal Rights Amendment (Once Again) Fails to Pass

Catholic lawyer and pro-life champion, Phyllis Schlafly in 1978 who led the charge to defeat the ERA.

A century-old amendment that would have added the right to abortion into the Constitution under the guise of securing “equal rights for men and women” has once again failed to pass in the Senate.

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Agape vs. Eros: March for Life vs. the Women’s March

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The March for Life has been a regular occurrence for 45 years and yet the Women’s March, which is only three-years-old, is already floundering with a record number of marches being cancelled across the country. What’s behind the staying power of one march and the rapid fizzling of the other? Perhaps a look at the motivations behind these divergent marches will give us a few clues.

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House Bill Promotes Abortion, Homosexual Agenda Overseas

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer   Unless concerned citizens act fast, the U.S. House is expected to pass legislation today that will establish the Office of Global Women’s Issues which will pressure countries around the world to provide “reproductive rights” to women and to overturn laws restricting homosexual and transsexual behavior.

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