I couldn't resist writing this blog in response to information I received about a book that supposedly contains words of wisdom from the Archangel St. Michael that were received via automatic writing.
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Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
MB asks: "Is there any danger in automatic writing? Some kids I know like to fool around with it and say they get messages 'from beyond.' Is that possible."
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LL writes:
"Please compare and contrast "automatic writing" with "locutions" such as those given to St. Faustina and many other saints of antiquity."
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Ever since Marianne Williamson, a well-known New Age guru and cheerleader for
A Course in Miracles, entered the presidential race, there have been many articles written about the
Course, some of which are very misleading.
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New Age author and activist Marianne Williamson, best known for her promotion of “A Course in Miracles” – a course supposedly given to a woman who claimed to be channeling Jesus – has announced that she is running for president.
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We’ve been asked about the content of the book,
A Course in Miracles, and whether or not this is appropriate reading for Catholics. The answer to this question is an emphatic “no”!
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