To make a connection between abortion and Satan does not require much of a leap. Of course he’s behind all murderous acts, and his fingerprints are all over the abortion industry.
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Most of us have an ideal of what a good mother is and what a good mother does. Mary is the prefect mother, tending to all the details of our lives, as long as we are open to letting that relationship grow and we are open to her.
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by Carrie Gress
For the past five decades, the painful irony is that women, not men, have been their own worst enemy.
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Women have always been instrumental in spreading the faith. This is the kind of fruit that Christ and his mother are calling us to. That call is not to become radical activists or social justice warriors but to take the words of St. Teresa of Calcutta to heart: If you want to change the world, go home and love your family. That is the place to start.
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