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These Catholics Died for the Faith in 2023

Catholics are still dying for the Faith. In 2023, 20 men and women from nearly every continent laid down their lives for Christ, including a mother and daughter who were killed in Gaza as they walked into a Catholic church, two young students who were killed when a bomb was detonated at a Mass in the Philippines, and a Nigerian priest who was burned alive in his rectory.

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Victory for Christian Cake Designer!

                                                                                                Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

A Christian cake designer from Bakersfield, California was awarded a major First Amendment victory when a Superior Court decided she had the right to refuse to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding because it violated her sincerely held religious beliefs.

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How Diversity and Consumerism is Fueling the New Age

The New Age is everywhere these days. Health care workers in our hospitals offer us Reiki, therapeutic touch, aromatherapy, and reflexology. Yoga and tai chi have taken over the gym and invaded our schools. Parishes host “Christian yoga” classes and retreat houses offer labyrinths, enneagrams and Christian Zen. It’s even in the vet’s office where a pet owner can get their anxious animal some relief through” integrated energy therapy.” How is the New Age getting so far so fast?

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Teacher Fired For Refusing to Use Trans Pronouns Sues School

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The PC culture in America has claimed many victims, but a popular French teacher from a public high school in Williamsburg, Virginia, who was fired for refusing to use male pronouns for a female student, is determined not to be one of them and has filed suit against the school.

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Pakistanis Release Christian Woman on Death Row

Asia Bibi, the Pakistani woman imprisoned for nearly a decade after being accused of blaspheming the prophet Muhammad, and whose case became an international flashpoint for religious freedom in the Middle East, has been acquitted of all charges and released from jail.

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Heroic Christian Teen Refuses to Renounce Christ


In this compelling story told by an international Christian aid organization, a 14 year-old girl named Susan was so enamored with Jesus Christ that she refused to renounce him, even when locked away in a room and left to starve nearly to death.

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