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Avoid Access Consciousness!

We have received requests for more information about Access Consciousness, an alternative therapy that is rooted in the occult and Scientology but is being passed off as a new way to "become totally aware and to begin to function as the conscious being you truly are." It promises to teach you how to "be present in your life in every moment without judgment of you or anyone else."

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Why You Should Steer Clear of Byron Katie's "Work"

Byron Katie (Photo courtesy of Wikicommons Images, Lovingwhatisnt CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED)

LO asks: "Can you recommend the book "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie? And also, practicing her process that she calls "the work" is that an OK thing to do or an anti-catholic thing to do?  . . . I don't want to do anything or entertain anything that could take me in a direction away from Our Lord and the Catholic Church. In general, I'm having anxiety & stress and would like to do some independent reading/work before I need a therapist...can you give any ideas for authors or specific books?"

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The Twelve Tribes Cult is Dangerous!

We received a heartbreaking call from a listener to EWTN’s Women of Grace Live show last week about her daughter who had become involved with a group known as the Twelve Tribes. Even more distressing is that the young woman took her son - our caller's grandson - to live with the group. It was with a heavy heart that we told her what we know about the Twelve Tribes.

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