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When Life Ends Too Soon: A Mother's Memoir

Life has a way of hiding the journey ahead for fear that if we knew the future, we would find a reason not to get out of bed. I like to think that a ministering angel is sent by God to cover my eyes so that I do not see too far ahead. If I did, I am afraid that I would be paralyzed with panic and fear. I have found that some crosses in this life seem just too heavy to bear. These crosses have left a scar on my shoulder that never fades. That is the way it was with the birth of our miracle baby, Zachary Luke John.

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Dear Bonnie...

A few days ago a member of my high school graduating class passed away.  Bonnie had always been the type of person who was on the periphery of events, parties, dances, and all of the social things that make up a high school experience.  In many ways, she was challenged – not intellectually but in other ways that can make teenage years tough. Her last days sound as if they were as challenging as those earlier days.  And she left the world seemingly bereft of the parents whom she buried and any close personal friends.  Fortunately, another classmate was made aware of her death through a professional acquaintance.  He notified the rest of us.

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