No one can explain yoga better than a Hindu, and in a recent article by the co-founder and managing director of the Hindu American Foundation, Suhag A. Shukla, Esq. confirms what most American Christians just don't want to accept - that practicing yoga will make you a better Hindu.
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This article, which I posted on our Breaking News site today, confirms what we have known all along - yoga is Hinduism and
anything who says otherwise is just plain wrong.
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By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
Frustrated with the American practice of yoga and its distorted view of the Hinduism upon which it is based, the influential Hindu American Foundation has launched a campaign to "Take Back Yoga" by reminding people that yoga is indeed part of the Hindu religion.
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Those of you who are wondering whether the new Julia Roberts movie,
Eat Pray Love, has anything positive to say about Christianity may want to learn from her lessons - she became Hindu after filming the movie.
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