As the Supreme Court comes to the end of this, the justices handed down two rulings that deliver victories to Christians against atheist activists who were trying to strip the words “In God We Trust” from US currency and have a World War I memorial in the shape of a cross removed from public property.
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
The Supreme Court issued a ruling yesterday to uphold the Second Amendment “right to keep and bear arms.” On the same day, it also refused to hear an appeal from the Holy See to stop a lawsuit that accuses the Vatican of failing to prevent the transfer of an abusive priest from city to city.
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
Supreme Court Justices appeared sharply divided during arguments on Monday concerning whether or not a California law school can deny recognition to a Christian group because it refuses to allow homosexuals to become voting members of the group.
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito took offense at President Obama’s shocking breach of decorum during the State of the Union address last night when he chastised the justices for a recent ruling on campaign finance laws.