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Meet the Team: Denise McKane

It's time to meet the team that makes Women of Grace the impactful apostolate that it is!
Today we're featuring Denise McKane, one of our Regional Coordinators for West Coast Florida. We hope you enjoy learning more about Denise from her answers to the questions below. Stay tuned for regular "Meet the Team" features!

1 How long have you been on the Women of Grace team and how did you begin?

"I started facilitating a Women of Grace Foundational Study in 2008 at my parish in Lake Placid, NY. I moved to Florida in 2013 and became a Regional Coordinator.."


2 What do you love best about Women of Grace's apostolate?

"What I love best about this Apostolate is seeing the transformation of each woman as they come to know who they are as God's Beloved Daughter. Being able to share in their journey of faith and walk with the Lord."


3 What is your favorite devotion?

"The Rosary."


4 Who is your favorite saint?

"St. Joseph, St. Barbara, St. Barbara of Korea, St. Barbara of China, St. Louis Marie, St. Jacinta, St. Francesco, St. Teresa, St. Therese, St. Maximillian Kolbe, St. Juan Diego, St. Bernadette, St. John Vianney, I could go on and on!"


5 If you could have lunch with Jesus today, what would you want to talk about?

"I would ask Him to tell me all that He tried to tell me that I missed hearing while here."

© All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®

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Meet the Team: Rose Newcomer

It's time to meet the team that makes Women of Grace the impactful apostolate that it is!
Today we're featuring Rose Newcomer, one of our Regional Coordinators and Facilitators. We hope you enjoy learning more about Rose from her answers to the questions below. Stay tuned for regular "Meet the Team" features!

1 How long have you been on the Women of Grace team and how did you begin?

"I became a part of Women of Grace when I attended my first retreat in Malvern in 2008. I purchased my Women of Grace Foundational Study kit and became a facilitator that year. In 2013, I was a part of a committee that invited Johnnette to our diocese to introduce the Foundational study in Spanish. It was during that weekend that Johnnette asked me to become a regional coordinator for  PA."


2 What do you love best about Women of Grace's apostolate?

"Women of Grace is a blessing for all women and for the Catholic Church. It shows all women how to open their lives and hearts to God by giving them the tools we need to walk this journey of faith He has laid before each of us."

3 What is your favorite devotion?

"I love praying the Liturgy of the Hours each day. It makes me feel closer to the Holy Family by praying the Psalms as they did throughout their day."


4 Who is your favorite saint?

"Saint Joan of Arc. She is my role model in life. I go to her for strength, courage, and a deepening of my faith as I walk my mission path given to me by God, as He did for Saint Joan."


5 If you could have lunch with Jesus today, what would you want to talk about?

"Jesus, the state of the world must break Your Heart. What can I do to help the children of God to become more faith-filled and  to put their trust in You?"

© All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®

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Meet the Team: Christine Arnold

It's time to meet the team that makes Women of Grace the impactful apostolate that it is!
Today we're featuring Christine Arnold, one of the two Regional Coordinators in Pennsylvania. We hope you enjoy learning more about Christine from her answers to the questions below. Stay tuned for regular "Meet the Team" features!

1 How long have you been on the Women of Grace team and how did you begin?

"In 2006, an information flyer was put up in my home parish, Holy Name of Jesus Parish, on the Foundational Study, and I thought 'this is for ME!!' I have been a Regional Coordinator for the last ten years."


2 What do you love best about Women of Grace's apostolate?

"After completion of the life-changing Women of Grace Foundational Study, women can choose from a variety of spiritual and social growth paths to become a sacred daughter of the Most High God. Further studies adapted from additional books by Johnnette, Webinars, Conferences, along with the Benedicta Leadership Study Formation are a few of the opportunities for spiritual growth. Socially, a safe, secure network of Sacred Sisters has been formed during your Women of Grace Foundational Study; in addition, 'Mornings of Grace' either in person or online, along with opportunities for interaction during various events held by Women of Grace. A 'Daughter of the Most High God' can choose the best path for her spiritual growth and development with the Women of Grace Apostolate."

3 What is your favorite devotion?

"The Rosary! For those women new to this lovely devotion, why not try to start praying the rosary with your Women of Grace Prayer Group? We also offer a weekly Rosary Crusade on our website at 4:00 p.m. every Wednesday afternoon."


4 Who is your favorite saint?

"Father Damien of Molokai- he made those that were so physically altered, feel loved!"


5 If you could have lunch with Jesus today, what would you want to talk about?

"Jesus, what ways do you see that I may grow in holiness that I am missing? What would you like me to focus more on, and at the same time, spend less time on?"

© All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®

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Meet the Team: Susan W. Jacobsen

It's time to meet the team that makes Women of Grace the impactful apostolate that it is!
Today we're featuring Susan W. Jacobsen, who is a Regional Coordinator from New Jersey. She is also part of the team that developed the Young Women of Grace program, developed the 32 Mornings of Grace programs with Martha Nicolli, and is part of the team that trained facilitators for the adult and teen studies.
We hope you enjoy learning more about Susan from her answers to the questions below. Stay tuned for regular "Meet the Team" features!

1 How long have you been on the Women of Grace team and how did you begin? "Since 2010. I began by attending a one-day program given by Johnnette at a church in Vineland, New Jersey with my friend Nancy Elhajj."

2 What do you love best about Women of Grace's apostolate? "What I love best is stated in the vision statement -'encourage and affirm women in their dignity as daughters of God and in their gift of authentic femininity.'  The sacred sisterhood that develops is particularly precious. I am so grateful to be part of a program that helps women grow closer to Jesus through the foundational study and other Women of Grace opportunities.  I have grown so much on this faith journey over these 11 years and with God's grace have been able to overcome the difficulties that life presents."

3 What is your favorite devotion? "The Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet."

4 Who is your favorite saint? "The Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph."

5 If you could have lunch with Jesus today, what would you want to talk about? "Conversion of hearts."

© All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®

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Women of Grace Grows in Wildwood

A Women of Grace Regional Facilitator Training was recently held at St. Vincent’s Facilitator training Sue J-smallCatholic Church in Wildwood, Florida.

Regional Coordinators, Sue Jacobsen from Millville, NJ and Mary Dillenback, from Fishers Landing, NY were invited by Regional coordinator Nancy Elhajj to train facilitators from St. Vincent’s parish and St. Paul’s parish in Leesburg, FL. There will be Foundational Studies in both parishes starting in January.

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Greetings from Pennsylvania

Rose_and Johnnette

My name is Rose Newcomer and I am literally a “newcomer” since I have only been a Women of Grace Regional Coordinator for the past year. My journey began in 2008 when I attended my first Malvern Retreat. It was at this retreat that I met a woman who was to become a very dear friend in my life. She introduced me to the Women of Grace Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life Foundational Study Program at her parish and since then I have facilitated seven classes, bringing this life transforming gift to nearly 100 faith-filled daughters of God.

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Healing Luke with Hope

Women of Grace Regional Coordinator, Diana Marie Salsman recently asked if we would join her family in praying a novena to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta for her grandson Luke, who is in the preparation stage for an Allogeneic transplant.   This is a very serious procedure which has the potential of saving Luke's life and bringing him back to health.  A tentative date of Nov 4 has been set for the transplant and the preparation is set to begin on October 13th, the feast of the miracle at Fatima.


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