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Feast Day Mini-Study: St. Gianna Beretta Molla

April 28th
Saint Gianna Beretta Molla
October 4, 1922 - April 28, 1962

St. Gianna Beretta Molla, is not only a contemporary saint, but a saint for the contemporary woman! This was a woman who loved God, loved her husband, loved her children and raising them, and even had time to devote herself to charity and a profession, a physician no less! What an inspiration St. Gianna is to us modern-day women, who also try to juggle faith, family, and work. On top of that, she is always seen with a smile on her face, evidence of the true joy she experienced from living this ordinary life for the Lord!

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Celebrate Women's History Month With St. Gianna Beretta Molla

st.gianna.mollaIt was a tremendous blessing for me to have had the opportunity to meet Dr. Gianna Emmanuela Molla, the daughter of St Gianna Beretta Molla at the 2015 World Meeting of Families. She was there representing the St. Gianna Physician’s Guild, whose mission is to unite and encourage Catholic physicians, and those in the health care profession, to promote and defend Catholic principles in a public way by word and example, and to inspire sanctification in their lives.  Her inner beauty and humility radiates through her as she carries on the  legacy of her mother, who was herself a Catholic physician.

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St. Gianna Beretta Molla's Legacy

st.gianna.mollaIt was a tremendous blessing for me to have the opportunity to meet Dr. Gianna Emmanuela Molla, the daughter of St Gianna Beretta Molla at this week's World Meeting of Families. She was there representing the St. Gianna Physician’s Guild, whose mission is to unite and encourage Catholic physicians, and those in the health care profession, to promote and defend Catholic principles in a public way by word and example, and to inspire sanctification in their lives.  Her inner beauty and humility radiates through her as she carries on the  legacy of her mother, who was herself a Catholic physician.

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Catholic Physicians Launch On-Line Petition to Stop Birth Control Mandate

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist

St. Gianna Physician's Guild launched an online petition drive today requesting that the Obama Administration and Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), Kathleen Sebelius, immediately withdraw all references to contraception and contraception counseling from the "Guidelines for Women's Preventive Services" under The Affordable Care Act, and to provide a conscience clause to protect the religious freedom and beliefs of Catholics.

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