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Woman Speaks Out After Abortionist Goes Free

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer When a Detroit abortionist charged with illegally disposing of aborted fetuses and medical records in a dumpster received only a slap on the wrist for his crimes, a victim of statutory rape who was forced to have an abortion at one of his clinics decided it was time to tell her story.

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Planned Parenthood Caught Again!

By Susan Brinkmann Staff Writer The same group responsible for an undercover exposé of a Bloomington Planned Parenthood clinic's disregard for Indiana’s statutory rape laws has just released taped evidence of a nearly identical occurrence at an Indianapolis clinic. Indiana’s Attorney General has launched an investigation into the incidents.

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Group Calls For Investigation of Planned Parenthood

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer The nation’s largest grass roots Catholic pro-life organization, the American Life League, is calling on the Attorney General for the state of Indiana to investigate Planned Parenthood’s counseling practices after an undercover sting caught a clinic worker counseling a 13 year-old on how to avoid state statutory rape laws.

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