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Pro Life Leaders Celebrate Kavanaugh Confirmation

Pro Life leaders across the country are celebrating the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court in spite of a well-orchestrated smear campaign that was intended to stop or at least delay the nomination that will result in tipping the court to the right for at least the next generation.

Catherine Glenn Foster, president and CEO of Americans United for Life, called Saturday’s confirmation vote “an historic day for all Americans who support and work to advance the culture of life.” She applauded the U.S. Senate for overcoming partisan politics and gridlock to confirm Kavanaugh by a narrow 50-48 margin.

“Judge Kavanaugh's distinguished judicial career has been built upon his constitutionalist approach to law, and we trust that this will serve all Americans well when Roe v. Wade inevitably comes before the Supreme Court for review,” Foster said.

"For the first time in decades, a majority of justices appear to understand not only that life begins at conception, as affirmed by medical science, but also that Roe was an egregious example of constitutional overreach. We look forward to the day when Roe v. Wade takes its proper place among rightly repudiated rulings like Plessy, Korematsu, and Dred Scott as one the Court's most shameful decisions. With Justice Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, we have confidence that that day is soon at hand."

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, also applauded the historic appointment.

"History was made today as Brett Kavanaugh overcame an unimaginable smear campaign to be confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court,” Perkins said in a statement. “For the first time in decades, this nomination -- his nomination -- brought with it the reality of returning to a truly constitutionalist court. Many on the Left couldn't stand such a thought. And for that, he and his family have paid a tremendous price.”

Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser called Kavanaugh’s confirmation “well-deserved and hard-earned.”

“The balance of the Supreme Court has shifted back toward one that respects the will of the voters expressed through their representatives – a resounding victory for American people, who overwhelmingly trusted President Trump to choose Supreme Court nominees. As Justice Kavanaugh takes his seat on the bench of the nation’s highest court alongside Justice Neil Gorsuch, we are confident he will continue to rule with the same fairness and independence that have characterized his entire legal career.”

Dannenfelser spared no words in condemning the partisan attacks made on Kavanaugh during what many consider to be the most brutal confirmation process in American history.

“Senate Democrats should be ashamed of exploiting human pain and the serious issue of sexual assault for a partisan political agenda. . . Anyone who thinks the voters will forget this profound betrayal is greatly mistaken," she said.

Alliance Defending Freedom President, CEO, and General Counsel Michael Farris called Kavanaugh a “worthy successor” to Justice Kennedy.

“Justice Kavanaugh has received high praise as a competent and professional jurist from people across the ideological spectrum, and he has demonstrated that he is committed to interpreting the Constitution as our founders intended. That commitment must include affirming our most fundamental freedoms of free speech and religious liberty, which will most certainly be at stake in cases that will come before the court in upcoming terms.”

Bu this is not a time for supporters of life to sit back and relax. A critical midterm election is less than a month away and if Democrats retake the House, it means two years of endless investigations and little focus on critical pro-life issues.

This is why many of these organizations are remaining hard at work to insure more victories for the pro-life cause in the future.

For example, since July of last year, Susan B. Anthony field teams have reached more than two million voters at their homes in key battleground states and will be on the ground every day through Election Day.

“A majority of voters in these states have told our canvassers they support Judge Kavanaugh. Americans saw through the vilification of an exceptionally qualified nominee and their senators will be held accountable,” Dannenfelser said.

Tony Perkins echoed her warning. "While the vacancy on the court has been filled, the issue of how those on the Left will stop at nothing in their effort to use the court as the vehicle for their agenda will continue into Election Day and beyond.”

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