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Abortion Industry's Hissy-Fit Over Title X is Disservice to Women

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Within minutes of Planned Parenthood’s announcement on Monday that it was withdrawing from the Title X program due to new pro-life rules, the industry and it’s friends in the media launched an all-out misinformation campaign designed to convince women that the sky is now falling on reproductive health in America.

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New Polls Reveal Public Backlash Regarding Radical Abortion Policies

New polls show that the American public has reacted with horror at the wave of radical new abortion policies being proposed by lawmakers who fear the overturning of Roe v. Wade with vast majorities – including women, youth, and “pro-choice” Americans – remaining adamantly opposed to these laws.

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Pro Life Leaders Celebrate Kavanaugh Confirmation

Pro Life leaders across the country are celebrating the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court in spite of a well-orchestrated smear campaign that was intended to stop or at least delay the nomination that will result in tipping the court to the right for at least the next generation.

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Administration to Impose Funding Restrictions on Abortion Clinics Today!

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The Trump administration will announce today that it is proposing new rules to the Title X family planning program that will direct taxpayer funding away from the abortion industry – a move that will cost Planned Parenthood millions in taxpayer funds.

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Is Planned Parenthood’s Ship Sinking?

Analysis of the latest annual report from Planned Parenthood found that in spite of making $1.46 billion in income, the nation’s largest abortion provider is experiencing massive losses of clientele and increasing facility closures.

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Poll: Majority of Voters Reject Abortion Funding in Health Care

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist A new poll conducted in key congressional districts across the country found that an overwhelming number of constituents oppose abortion funding in health care, which puts politicians on notice that a “yes” vote now may mean a “no” vote in November.

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Pro Life Community Confronts Senator-Elect Brown’s Record on Life Issues

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist In spite of the fact that Massachusetts Senator-elect Scott Brown is not pro-life on abortion, the nation’s pro-life leaders say his support of numerous limits on abortion and opposition to abortion funding in health care reform makes his election a victory for life.

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