The mainstream media is once again maligning a good and courageous bishop simply because he published a decree stating that persons involved in same-sex relationships cannot receive communion or serve on the altar, nor can they be given a Catholic funeral if they do not repent before death.
DS writes: " Several years ago in Shreveport, Louisiana, a traveling Jesuit came to our parish with these 2 [Renew] programs, filling heads with a lot of nonsense, which some believed. Sorry to say, I was one of them. Could you speak to the Renew program?"
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
In a stellar example of pastoral leadership, one of the nation’s youngest bishops, 49 year-old Marquette Bishop Alexander K. Sample, has banned 79 year-old Bishop Thomas Gumbleton from speaking in his diocese because of his positions in support of homosexuality, contraception and women’s ordination.