The mainstream media is once again maligning a good and courageous bishop simply because he published a decree stating that persons involved in same-sex relationships cannot receive communion or serve on the altar, nor can they be given a Catholic funeral if they do not repent before death.
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
Cardinal Donald Wuerl of the Archdiocese of Washington DC is warning Catholics to stay away from a new booklet produced by the controversial New Ways Ministry which advocates "marriage equality" for same-sex couples because it is not based on Church teaching.
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
In a stellar example of pastoral leadership, one of the nation’s youngest bishops, 49 year-old Marquette Bishop Alexander K. Sample, has banned 79 year-old Bishop Thomas Gumbleton from speaking in his diocese because of his positions in support of homosexuality, contraception and women’s ordination.