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States Turning Away from Embryonic Stem Cell Research
New Human Cloning Technique Violates Dignity of Life
Scientists announced this week that they have successfully produced embryonic stem cells by transferring the DNA of human skin cells into unfertilized human eggs to produce embryos, a technique the Church considers to be an abuse of human life.
FDA Approves First Human Trials for Embryonic Stem Cell Treatment
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the world’s first human clinical trial of a therapy involving embryonic stem cells, a move that has been condemned by the Vatican as "unacceptable."
Scientists Create Human Eggs and Sperm from Stem Cells
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
Scientists at Stanford University in California have been able to coax embryonic stem cells into becoming eggs and sperm, which could one day lead to the creation of children through entirely artificial means.
FDA Delays Human Trials of Embyonic Stem Cells
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is delaying a bid by biotech company Geron Corp. to become the first to conduct human trials with embryonic stem cells, pending review of new studies.
Tissue from Aborted Babies Used for Cosmetic Injections
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
Clinics are popping up all over the world offering women face lifts and cosmetic injections using tissue from babies who have been killed by abortions.
Scientists Create Sperm from Human Embryos
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
British scientists are hailing the recent creation of human sperm cells that they believe could revolutionize fertility treatment. However, because they are using embryonic stem cells in the process, they are in essence destroying one life in order to create another.
Storing Embryos as a Future “Body-Repair Kit”?
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
A new controversy is brewing in the UK over whether or not couples should be allowed to store embyros for the purpose of using them later to cure diseases or create new body parts for themselves. One U.S. is already offering these services.
Dr. Mehmet Oz Tells Oprah: “The Stem Cell Debate is Dead”
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
During a recent appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show, the popular cardiovascular surgeon and television personality, Dr. Mehmet Oz, announced to a stunned audience that due to advances in adult stem cell technology, the debate over embryonic stem cells “is dead.”
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