The Family Research Council (FRC), one of the nation's premier pro-family organizations, announced yesterday that it would cease using United Parcel Service (UPS) as its primary package distributor in the wake of UPS's decision to cease funding the Boy Scouts of America because of the Scouts' longstanding policy of not accepting openly homosexual Scout leaders or members.
Witnesses say a man who shot a security guard inside the Washington DC headquarters of the Family Research Council (FRC), a pro-life lobbying group, made statements opposing the group's mission before opening fire on the guard.
Even though the Catholic vote helped to propel President Barack Obama into office in 2008, three years of anti-life and anti-family policies decisions combined with his open disdain for the principles of religious liberty has resulted in a chilly response to the president's new outreach to religious voters.
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
As the nation grows increasingly horrified by the blatant improprieties being shown on prime time television these days, the Supreme Court is about to hear arguments in what many are calling the most important case concerning broadcast indecency in 40 years.
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
A fierce budget battle on the Hill ended at the eleventh hour on Friday night when pro-life lawmakers were forced to give up attempts to defund Planned Parenthood and ObamaCare in order to avoid a government shutdown.