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Parents Furious Over Miley Cyrus MTV Performance
Incidents of Full Nudity on Prime Time TV Up 407% in Last Year
A new report by the Parents Television Council (PTC) has found a shocking 407 percent increase in the number of instances in which full frontal nudity occurred during a prime time television show in the past year.
What Reality TV is Teaching Our Girls
A new report by the Parents Television Council (PTC) has found that the top four reality shows on MTV - Jersey Shore, Real World, Teen Mom 2 and 16 and Pregnant are teaching young girls that it's hip to be self-denigrating, mean-spirited and promiscuous.
SCOTUS About to Hear Biggest Broadcast Indecency Case in 40 Years
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
As the nation grows increasingly horrified by the blatant improprieties being shown on prime time television these days, the Supreme Court is about to hear arguments in what many are calling the most important case concerning broadcast indecency in 40 years.
Parents Beware! New Study Says Prime-Time Cartoons Are Full of Adult Content
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
The Parents Television Council® (PTC) has released the results of its latest study, “Cartoons Are No Laughing Matter,” which documents shocking levels of adult content on networks with the highest-rated primetime animated cable shows among children ages 12-17 such as the Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, Adult Swim and Nick at Nite.
MTV's Racy New Show Could be Considered Child Porn
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
Media watchdogs are warning parents that a new MTV show, Skins, which features teen actors as young as 15 in extremely explicit scenes involving sex and drugs, is "the most dangerous program ever" for children.
Study: Networks Sexualize Teen Girls at Alarming Rates
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
A new report published by the Parents Television Council™ (PTC) details the nature and extent of Hollywood's obsession with sexualizing teen girls.
Dramatic Increase in TV Depiction of Violence Against Women
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
A new report by the Parents Television Council (PTC) has found that depictions of violence against women has increased by 120 percent on the nation’s airwaves in the last five years, with portrayals of violence against teenage girls increasing by a staggering 400 percent.
Media Watchdog Lists Best/Worst TV Shows for Children
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
The Parents Television Council (PTC) analyzed the twenty most popular prime time broadcast shows among children ages two to17, ranking the programs according to their suitability for young viewers.
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