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Filled with Joy

December 21
"One filled with Joy preaches without preaching."
-St. Teresa of Calcutta
Today's Reflection:
What is the underlying meaning of this quote? Do you believe that you are truly filled with joy based on your interactions and encounters with others? Do you "preach without preaching"? Today, ask our Lord to open your heart to a greater outpouring of joy, and await His lovely gift.

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The one who serves God

December 20
"The soul of the one who serves God always swims in joy, always keeps holiday, and is always in the mood for singing."
-St. John of the Cross
Today's Reflection:
Are you swimming in joy and rejoicing this week? If not, place it at the foot of the cross and give God any discouragement you are experiencing. Surely, He will transform it!

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Joy is the true gift of Christmas

December 19
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
- Galatians 5:22-23
Today's Reflection:
What fruits are you struggling with this Advent? How is our Lord calling you to grow deeper in these virtues? Ask Mother Mary to storm heaven with prayers for you today!

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Joy is the true gift of Christmas

December 17
"Joy is the true gift of Christmas, not the expensive gifts that call for time and money. We can communicate this joy simply: with a smile, a kind gesture, a little help, forgiveness. And the joy we give will certainly come back to us.... Let us pray that this presence of the liberating joy of God shines forth in our lives."
-Pope Benedict XVI
Today's Reflection:
Christmas day is a week from tomorrow! This week, let's prepare our hearts a little deeper to receive our Lord. Today, how can you "communicate this joy" a tad more? Who can you forgive? Who has God presented to you to help or offer some kindness? In so doing, thank Him for the opportunity to serve and love just a drop more!

If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith. DONATE

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Daily Gracelines ADVENTure Day 30

December 31
Day 30: Daily Gracelines: Today is the final day of our ADVENTure with Mary
Theme: The third Sunday of Advent is all about JOY.  The third week of Advent begins on Guadete Sunday.  We are reminded of His birth and coming, and we await rejoicing!
Grace: I pray for the grace of joy as I await my Lord!  Regardless of what happens this week, I will rejoice in God.

Reflection: "May the Virgin Mary, whom today we venerate with the title of Mother of God, help us to contemplate the face of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. May she sustain us and accompany us in this New Year: and may she obtain for us and for the whole world the gift of peace. Amen!"

Challenge: Where is God leading you in 2019? Spend time with the Lord this week asking Jesus and Mary to send you the grace of wisdom through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Daily Gracelines ADVENTure Day 29

December 30
Day 29: Daily Gracelines: ADVENTure with Mary
Theme: The third Sunday of Advent is all about JOY.  The third week of Advent begins on Guadete Sunday.  We are reminded of His birth and coming, and we await rejoicing!
Grace: I pray for the grace of joy as I await my Lord!  Regardless of what happens this week, I will rejoice in God.

Reflection: "Brothers and sisters: Put on, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if one has a grievance against another; as the Lord has forgiven you, so must you also do. And over all these put on love, that is, the bond of perfection." - Col. 3:12

Challenge: Let us enter into the New Year free from the burden of unforgiveness. Pray for the grace to forgive. And if you can not forgive, pray for the desire to forgive.

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Finding Joy in God

April 21

April 21

Feast of St. Anselm, Bishop and Doctor (1033 – 1109)

“O God, let me know you and love you so that I may find my joy in you; and if I cannot do so fully in this life, let me at least make some progress every day, until at last that knowledge, love and joy come to me in all their plentitude.”

                                                                            --St. Anselm

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In serenity

February 21

February 21

Feast of St. Peter Damien, Bishop and Doctor (1007 – 1072)

In serenity, look forward to the joy that follows sadness.  Hope leads you to that joy and love enkindles your zeal.

                                                                                    --St. Peter Damien

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