Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
In spite of innumerable hurdles, “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer,” a movie that reveals the dark underbelly of the abortion business, broke into the top 10 on its opening weekend at the box office.
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Planned Parenthood managed to convince the operators of a Hyatt Hotel in Austin, Texas to cancel a planned screening of a new movie that tells the horrifying story of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist whose clinic was so appalling even law enforcement referred to it as the “House of Horrors.”
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It is the ultimate in poor taste. The Oregon branch of the pro-abortion lobbying group known as NARAL is promoting ice cream for sale. But not just any ice cream, mind you. NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon went to Twitter to tout a “new custom flavor” which was “made exclusively for” the abortion promoter. The flavor is called “Rocky Roe v. Wade.”
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While the furor of the government shutdown was distracting the attention of most Americans, the U.S. House passed an important bill that will protect babies who are born alive after an abortion attempt.
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Pedro Cortes
The same man who ignored complaints about the atrocities perpetuated by “House of Horrors” abortionist Kermit Gosnell has been nominated by the state’s new governor to serve once again as Secretary of the Commonwealth.
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The Pro-Life Action League is once again calling upon pro-lifers to pray for those who are involved in the abortion business, in particular, some of the industry’s most notorious abortionists.

Kermit Gosnell
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Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life is asking the faithful to spread the word about a new date for the Fox News Channel documentary on the Kermit Gosnell House of Horrors which will now air this Friday, May 3, at 9:00 p.m.
"Thank you for anything you can do to spread the word about the documentary and the new date for it," Father Pavone said in an e-mail alert. "The more people who watch this, the more the true face of abortion is exposed, and the stronger our case that when secular media cover these topics, people respond!"
The documentary was originally scheduled to air on Sunday, May 5, at 9:00 p.m.
A Facebook event has been set up for this documentary. Click here to participate!
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Citing a "clerical error," Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Judge Jeffrey P. Minehart reversed himself on one of the three counts of first-degree murder he dropped yesterday against late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell.
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Lawyers on both sides of the House-of-Horrors abortion case argued over some of the evidence presented in the case this week, such as the fetal remains that were found frozen in empty pet food cans and water jugs.
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Fed up with the lack of coverage of one of the most gruesome abortion stories of all time, pro-life groups around the country are organizing a "Tweetfest" today with the aim of flooding Twitter with stories about the trial of "House-of-Horrors' abortionist Kermit Gosnell.
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