LG asks: "One of my friends is trying to convince me to see a person who can tell the future by scrying. I told her this is against my religion but she said this would just be for fun. Should I take her up on it?"
Anonymous writes: “My friend is involved in something she calls psychometry. It sounds demonic to me. I begged her to talk to a priest about it. She kept saying ‘this is a gift, I pray every day, I don’t know a priest.’ Shed some light on this, please.”
DJV writes: "I received a 10" Gazing Globe as gift. This gazing globe is hand blown glass and is to be set outside to look at. When I typed in gazing globe new age movement in my search engine, many articles came up about evil practices and gazing globes. Is this a new age product? If so, do I return it to the store for a refund or do I destroy it so no one else buys it? On Catholic radio the other night, the host told a caller in her question of whether to donate books that she found to be evil or to destroy them, the host said to destroy them. I really appreciate your answer."
JL asks: “I was given a very pretty crystal ball as a gift. I don't want to use it and don't know how to use it and have no intentions of learning how to use it. Its just a pretty object. Any harm in keeping it as an art object?"