
Blog Posts

Planned Parenthood’s Plan for Post-Roe America

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

In keeping with their usual tactic of using scare tactics and hyperbole to manipulate women, Planned Parenthood is unveiling its plan for how to provide abortion to women should the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade.

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Gosnell Movie is Box Office Hit!

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

In spite of innumerable hurdles, “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer,” a movie that reveals the dark underbelly of the abortion business, broke into the top 10 on its opening weekend at the box office.

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Abp. Chaput to Youth: Our Sexual Appetites Do Not Define Us

No matter how many dozens of Netflix-and-chill nights you and your long-term partner have had together, there’s something that keeps you tuning in for more. But just as individuals age and change over time, the same goes for your sex life: What turned you on when you first made it Facebook official might not be the same for you now.
Experts say that the key to a happy, fulfilling sex life with a long-term S.O. is changing things up and making your own new sex “rules” as you go along. But of course, these “rules” aren’t hard and fast, and they don’t stay stagnant; they grow and change with your relationship. Just as a casual relationship might progress to commitment (and, for some, children), your sex life can shift in tandem with your ever-shifting partnership.
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Couples who stay in long-term, happy relationships usually prioritize sex and even put it on their calendars, says Nagoski.

“Some people hear that and think, ‘Well that’s not really romantic, how much can your partner want you if they have to schedule it?’” she says. “But is there anything we do in our lives that’s important to us that we don’t schedule?”

Nagoski says scheduling sex gives you time to eliminate any stressors that are hitting your brake, whether it’s work-related stress or making sure the house is clean.

“There is preparation time where you can do whatever it takes for you to reduce your stress levels or get your accelerator warmed up,” she says.

Avoid the ‘chasing dynamic’

You want sex. Your partner doesn’t. Or so it seems. Often, when one partner wants sex, it isn’t about a desire for pleasure — it’s about a need for intimacy, she says.

“They want the connection, they want the acceptance, they want to feel wanted by their partner, and it can feel scary when your partner continues to say ‘no.’ What are they saying no to? Are they just saying no to the sex or are they saying no to all of me?”

If your partner doesn’t seem interested, don’t assume it’s because they aren’t attracted to you, says Nagoski. Chances are, they’re just overwhelmed.

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Canadians May Allow Pediatric Euthanasia . . . Without Parental Consent!

Doctors from Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children have published a plan in a prestigious medical journal in which they outline policies that would allow children to be euthanized -  in some cases, without parental consent.

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Pro Life Leaders Celebrate Kavanaugh Confirmation

Pro Life leaders across the country are celebrating the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court in spite of a well-orchestrated smear campaign that was intended to stop or at least delay the nomination that will result in tipping the court to the right for at least the next generation.

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Abortions Suspended at Filthy Planned Parenthood Clinic

An unannounced inspection of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Columbia, Missouri found rusty aspiration machines with tubes full of bloody bodily fluid and black mold, which has resulted in the cessation of abortion services.

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Study: Medical Abortion Complications Have Doubled

A new study conducted by Swedish researchers has found that along with the increase in medical abortions – abortions induced by drugs – there has also been an alarming uptick in the number of complications.

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Gosnell Movie to Open October 12


A film documenting the shocking true story of the investigation and trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, whose seedy West Philadelphia abortion clinic was dubbed the “House of Horrors” by law enforcement, will open in theaters on October 12.

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Forget #MeToo. The Kavanaugh Debacle is All About Roe

Don’t be fooled by the posturing of lawmakers and pundits who claim the battle over the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is about seeking justice for the woman who accused him of sexual assault in high school. This war has nothing to do with that alleged incident. It’s all about Roe.

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