
Blog Posts

New Gene-Editing Experiment Sparks Ethics Uproar

The global scientific community is reeling after a Chinese scientist announced that he used a powerful new gene-editing technique on twin girls to protect them from the HIV their father is carrying – an experiment that many believe was unauthorized and unethical.

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Mail-Order Abortion Comes to the USA

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The same organization that is providing deadly chemical abortion drugs to women overseas is now offering their services in the US as a way of preparing for what some believe is the inevitable end of legal abortion in America.

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Onerous Birth Control Mandate Officially Gone

At long-last, the onerous "birth control mandate" is now officially gone! The Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) issued a final rule yesterday that will provide conscience protections for Americans who have a religious or moral objection to health insurance that covers contraception methods.

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"Trunk Babies" to Receive Proper Burial

Bishop Robert Fisher, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Detroit, will hold a funeral mass and solemn burial for the remains of 15 aborted babies whose bodies were found in 2015 in the trunk of a Michigan abortionist.

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Abortion on the Ballot This November

Even though abortion is on the ballot in every election, voters in Oregon, Alabama, and West Virginia will be casting their votes on particular initiatives ranging from prohibiting the use of public funds for abortion to recognizing the rights of the unborn.

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Roe in Real Trouble as Views on Abortion Change

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Two significant events occurred in the past week that signal not only a change in American opinion on abortion, but also the start of a genuine movement to overturn Roe v. Wade and bring abortion jurisprudence more in line with the Constitution and the sentiments of mainstream America.

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2019 March for Life Theme Announced

by Jeanne Mancini

Each year the March for Life board and staff choose a theme that will best contribute to building a culture of life; and as they do so, they take into account cultural norms and current events to help make their message resonate with Americans. This year, March for Life leadership wanted to draw attention to the fact that science and technology continue to reveal the humanity and life of an unborn person even in its very earliest stages. That’s why the 2019 March for Life theme is “Unique From Day One: Pro-life Is Pro-Science.”

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Mothers Bombard French President With #PostcardsforMacron

French President Emmanuel Macron stepped into a virtual hornet’s nest when he made a statement insinuating that more education prevents women from having too many babies. As a result, educated women from all over the world are proving him wrong.

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