
Blog Posts

Humanae Vitae and the #MeToo Movement

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

If Pope Paul VI was alive today, he would have every right to look at the #MeToo movement and say, “I told you so.” And he did – 50 years ago when he issued papal encyclical, Humanae Vitae, which put forth the Church’s teaching on love and marriage and on the use of artificial birth control. Since that time it has been called everything from puritanical to completely out-of-touch. But one thing it’s rarely been called is exactly what it turned out to be - the truth.

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How Birth Control is Destroying Women’s Lives

Since the advent of birth control more than 50 years ago, women have repeatedly been told that the drugs and devices being offered to help them avoid pregnancy are “safe and effective.” We’re told that the “small percentage” of women who experience adverse reactions is so minimal the risks simply don’t outweigh the benefits.

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Only St. Patrick’s Cathedral Allows Filming of Pro-Life Documentary in NYC

Filming of a new documentary, Roe v. Wade: The Untold Story, aimed at revealing the lies and media distortions that surrounded the controversial Supreme Court decision was refused permission to film at iconic New York City locations such as the Statue of Liberty and the Plaza Hotel. Only St. Patrick’s Cathedral allowed the filmmakers to use their premises.

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Accurate Polls Find that Majority of Americans Oppose Roe v Wade

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Ever since the nomination of pro-life Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, the media has been fear-mongering about how another conservative justice on the bench will lead to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, a case they claim the majority of Americans support – but is this really true?

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Bishops: No Litmus Test for SCOTUS Nominee!

In anticipation of tonight’s announcement about who will be nominated to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat, the U.S. Bishops have sent a letter to the U.S. Senate expressing strong objections to subjecting judicial nominees to a litmus test in support of Roe v. Wade, or to using a nominee’s faith as a proxy for their views on the country’s most controversial ruling.

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Kennedy Resignation Signals Call to Prayer for Future of US

If there was ever a time for Christians to unite in prayer for the fate of our nation, it is now as the resignation of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy leaves a seat open for a pro-life justice who could tip the scales of justice in favor of life for at least a generation.

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Pregnancy Centers Score Major Win in Court!

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The U.S. Supreme Court handed a major victory to pregnancy care centers across the country by declaring that California’s Reproductive FACT Act, which sought to force pregnancy centers into advertising for abortion, was likely in violation of the First Amendment.

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