
Blog Posts

FDA Buying “Fresh” Fetal Tissue from Aborted Americans

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is now officially involved in the buying of human body parts from aborted fetuses after entering into a new contract to acquire “human fetal tissue” for the purpose of transplanting it into mice to give them a functional “human immune system.”

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Argentina Votes to Reject Abortion

Argentinian children playing music on the streets of Buenos Aires

The cause for the protection of human life scored a huge win in the homeland of Pope Francis yesterday when the Argentinian senate voted to reject a bill that would have legalized elective abortion.

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Man Convicted for Spiking Pregnant Girlfriend’s Smoothie

A man who was been on the run for nearly a decade after he spiked his girlfriend’s smoothie in order to cause an abortion has finally been convicted of attempted first-degree intentional homicide for which he faces up to 60 years in prison.

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Magazine Suggests Beyonce Music & Coloring Books to Stay Calm During Abortion

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The abortion industry has a long history of giving bad advice to women, but a recent article in SELF Magazine which offers “15 Ways to Mentally and Physically Prepare For Your Abortion” goes way over the top by suggesting women listen to Beyonce tunes during the procedure and bring coloring books to stay calm in the waiting room. Seriously? You'd be surprised about how many people use music therapy to calm their anxiety and stress.

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Secularism and Gynecology: A Disturbing Alliance

The following blog was submitted Nancy B. Mann, Ph.D., a fan of Women of Grace radio who listens to our show every day. She recently had a very disconcerting experience at her gynecologist’s office that revealed the secularism that dominates women’s reproductive health care in the U.S. and generously shares that experience with us here.

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Layoffs Looming at Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood has filed an emergency appeal to stop the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from issuing grants to family planning providers under new rules that exclude abortion providers, a move they say will force them to lay off staff en masse and shutter clinics.

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US Bishops Launch Novena for Upcoming Supreme Court Confirmation

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is calling upon the faithful to join in a special novena to be prayed every Friday from August 3 to September 28 to ask for God’s intervention during the critical weeks ahead when hearings to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be held to bring about a change in the U.S. Supreme Court that will move our country closer to insuring that every human being is protected by law.

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