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Jury Rules Against Pro-Life Videographers

A jury in San Francisco’s U.S. District Court handed down a mulit-million dollar verdict against undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merrick on Friday, a decision that could cost them over $2.2 million in alleged damages against Planned Parenthood.

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Babies Born Alive After Abortion Used in Grisly Experiments

New horrors about the shadowy world of baby parts trafficking have come to light after famed pro-life videographer David Daleiden found evidence that researchers are shipping babies born alive after late-term abortions to laboratories where they are killed and their organs harvested.

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Pro-Life Videographer Faces Huge Fine for Exposing Baby Parts Trafficking

Pro-life videographer, David Daleiden, who exposed the abortion industry’s involvement in the buying and selling of baby parts from aborted fetuses, has been ordered to pay a $195,000 fine for publishing the damning videos.

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CA Supreme Court Suspends Baby Parts Hearing

A preliminary hearing involving the pro-life videographer who published videos of abortion industry executives bartering for aborted baby body parts has been “suspended until further notice” by the California Supreme Court on the grounds of political bias and selective prosecution.

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Court Rules Against Planned Parenthood

In a major win for those who oppose the marketing of aborted fetal body parts, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals not only debunked claims that videos of abortion industry workers bartering over baby parts were “heavily edited,” but scolded Planned Parenthood for its rhetoric and medical practices.

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Pro-Life Videographer Takes Planned Parenthood to Supreme Court

David Daleiden of The Center for Medical Progress, the pro-life videographer who caught members of the abortion industry in the act of trafficking baby parts from aborted fetuses, has petitioned the Supreme Court to throw out a Planned Parenthood lawsuit aimed at retaliating against him and keeping his evidence out of the public eye.

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SCOTUS Refuses to Lift Gag Order in Baby Parts Case

The U.S. Supreme Court has decided not to review a decision by a lower court that blocked the pro-life Center for Medical Progress (CMP) from releasing additional videos that reveal illegal trafficking of fetal body parts by the abortion industry.

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Abortion Industry Suffers Setback in Baby Parts Trafficking Case

The abortion industry’s lawsuit against David Daleiden, the citizen journalist who exposed the industry’s trafficking of fetal body parts, was handed a setback last week when a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit decided to look into allegations of bias against the judge who has been presiding over the case.

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SCOTUS Orders Response from Abortion Lobby

The U.S. Supreme Court has given the abortion lobby until January 26 to respond to a petition filed by attorneys for pro-life activist David Daleiden asking to reverse the gag order that is preventing Daleiden from releasing more damning videos exposing the trafficking of human body parts throughout the abortion industry.

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