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US Bishops Warn of Danger Ahead for American Catholics!

From attacks on churches and pregnancy centers to the threat of extreme laws aimed at forcing Christians to perform abortions and gender transition procedures on minors, the U.S. bishops have compiled a comprehensive report on the present state of religious liberty in the United States, the five greatest threats to our freedoms, and why the very lives of religious Americans may be at stake in 2024.

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Big Court Wins for Religious Liberty!

The month of August saw two significant court victories dealing with religious liberty; a case involving a Catholic school employee who was terminated after he entered a same-sex union, and a Catholic health care network that was being forced to perform abortions and gender reassignment surgery against their religious beliefs. In both cases, the courts decided in favor of protecting religious freedom.

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The Fight for Religious Liberty Continues {VIDEO}

When we originally posted this video back in 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court was set to deliver a landmark ruling on a case involving the Little Sisters of the Poor and other Catholic entities whose religious freedom was being jeopardized by a government mandate.

The battle for religious liberty continues today, with recent rulings in favor of several Christian bakers and the Little Sisters of the Poor petition of the United States Supreme Court for protection under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

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Chick-fil-A Under Fire Once Again

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

A battle royal is brewing in Texas over a decision by the San Antonio City Council to ban Chick-fil-A from its airport because of its support for Christian family values - a move the state’s Attorney General believes is a violation of religious liberty.

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New Birth Control Mandate Spares Religious Groups

The Trump administration announced today that they will provide an exemption for employers with religious and moral objections to providing birth control in employee health insurance plans.

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Judge Upholds Law Protecting Religious Liberty

Mississippi State House Mississippi State House

In a big win for supporters of traditional marriage in the state of Mississippi, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court ruled unanimously to allow a law protecting the religious liberty of people who oppose same-sex marriage to go into effect.

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Fortnight for Freedom 2017 Underway!

church steeple flagToday’s feast of the martyrdom of St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher marks the beginning of 10 days which have been set aside to focus on religious freedom issues both here and abroad.

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Shocking Report Reveals Extent of Religious Hostility in America

Anyone who still believes that attacks on religious liberty in America are nothing more than a partisan attack on the Obama Administration needs to read a stunning new 140-page report prepared by the Liberty Institute and the Family Research Council (FRC)  documenting over 600 incidents of hostility to religion that have occurred in the U.S. in recent years, including attacks on religious liberty in the public arena, in the schoolhouse, and against churches and ministries.

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