Another healthy young person committed suicide after attending a 10-day Vipassana retreat, known as a Goenke retreat, raising questions about the safety of these programs which require participants to sit in a silent meditative state for 10-11 hours a day.
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PM asks:
"Can you tell me if Helen Russ is New Age. She advertised in the Catholic Church Porch Meditation as an alternative."
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DJ writes:
“Could you explain the difference between Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Body Scan Meditation? They both seem like the same thing to me.”
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Research by the University College London (UCL) has found that more than a quarter of people who regularly attend residential meditation programs such as Vipassana or Koan experience “unpleasant” episodes including feelings of fear and anxiety.
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Although Eastern meditation practices are being sold wholesale to the public as a panacea for everything from stress to digestive issues, experts say there can be very real – and very serious - consequences to these mind-control techniques.
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