by Theresa Cavicchio, OFS
As we celebrate the Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker, we recall his stellar qualities, such as prudence, trustworthiness, and integrity. In commemorating this particular feast, such traits typically would be applied to decades of labor in the carpentry workshop at Nazareth, at the home he shared with Jesus and Mary.
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May 1
“The Blessed Virgin … as Mother of the divine Redeemer here on earth, above all others and in a singular way was the generous associate and humble handmaid of the Lord. She conceived, brought forth, and nourished Christ, she presented him to the Father in the temple, shared her Son’s sufferings as He died on the cross. Thus in a wholly singular way she cooperated by her obedience, faith, hope, and burning charity, in the work of the Savior, in restoring supernatural life to souls. For this reason she is a mother to us in the order of grace.”
- Documents of Vatican II LumenGentium, 61
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