In a sermon delivered on August 16, Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois said the lack of young people in the U.S. is a far greater national threat than population growth.
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann
The media is creating another gay-friendly fairy tale about Pope Francis by insinuating that a form letter sent to the lesbian author of children’s books about alternative families was doing something more than merely acknowledging receipt of the books.
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O Jesus, meek and humble of
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“The one sole thing in myself in which I
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“Christ shines into the bottom of the
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“In detachment, the spirit finds quiet and
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For those of you who are searching for a way to get disinterested family and friends to take a look at the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal, a new rock video may be just the way to do it!
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Facebook rule that does not allow priests or religious to use their clerical titles on their personal pages has ignited a firestorm of protest from users.
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During a recent interview, Dominican priest and exorcist Father Juan Jose Gallego of the Archdiocese of Barcelona said that both Reiki and some forms of yoga can be points of entry for demons.
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Servant of God Dorothy Day
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Bishop Richard Pates of the Diocese of Des Moines has ordered a local Catholic Worker House to cease celebrating Mass on its premises “for the time being” after allowing a woman “priest”, ordained by a dissident Catholic group, to say Mass in the facility.
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