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Lenten Journey with the Saints: Day 26

March 31

“There are ways of being crucified that do not involve rough wood or heavy nails, but a love beyond our capacity to love, which means a love that has been given to us by God…”

-Catherine Doherty


Today's Reflection

Who is God calling you to love beyond your capacity this Lent? Go love them today.

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Lenten Journey with the Saints: Day 25

March 30
“It is better not to fast and be thereby humbled, than to fast and to be
self-satisfied therewith.”
-Pascal: Pensees (17th century)
Today's Reflection
We must always be on the lookout for wrong intentions. They can creep into everything we do, even spiritual exercises. Take a moment today to renew your intentions for this Lent and remember to do so from time to time throughout this holy season.

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Kyokushin Karate

CB asks: "Someone recently asked me if Martial Arts was included in the New Age, in particular the Kyokushin Karate method. He knows someone heavily involved in this and wanted to find out if there was a problem with it.  Could you please let me know if you have a booklet on this aspect, or any information about whether this is dangerous to The Catholic Faith?"

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Lenten Journey with the Saints: Day 24

March 29
“Oh how happy I am to see myself imperfect and to be in need of God's mercy."
-Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
Today's Reflection
Love of God and love of neighbor are God's greatest commandments to us but even the saints struggled on their journey toward perfection. What can you do to love God or your neighbor more perfectly today? How can you extend mercy to yourself for your failures?

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Lenten Journey with the Saints: Day 23

March 28
“Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder
by which we may get to heaven.”
-St. Rose of Lima
Today's Reflection
What crosses are you carrying? Give it to the Lord and thank Him because He has you on the path to heaven.

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Media Ignore Killing of Christians in Nigeria

While the mainstream media devoted extensive coverage to the senseless slaughter of 50 Muslim worshipers in two New Zealand mosques earlier this month, they uttered barely a word about the 120 Christians who were slaughtered in Nigeria by Muslim extremists during the same time.

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The Latest Gimmick: Contraceptive Jewelry for Women

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Yes, you read that title right. Researchers are testing a new concept of synthetic hormone delivery for women by affixing special backings on jewelry such as earring, wristwatches, rings or necklaces which they say will “improve user compliance” with drug regimens.

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The Facts About Energy-based Massage

We have numerous questions from both patients and health care providers about the use of energy massage techniques such as Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Hands of Light, Reiki, etc. in hospitals and hospice care. Are these practices New Age; if so, why are they so prevalent in health care facilities?

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Elderly Women Save Priest from Attacker . . . With Their Canes!

A group of elderly women from  Hospice Cincinnati are being hailed as heroes after they succeeded in chasing off a man who was trying to strangle their priest by beating him with their canes.

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