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The Feast of the Visitation ~ Proclaiming the Greatness of the Lord

The lovely month of May – Mary’s month, the month of the Mother of God – comes to a close most beautifully with one of the most moving Marian feasts, the Feast of the Visitation. Recounted in the Gospel of Saint Luke (1:39 – 56), the passage describes Our Lady’s journey from her home in Nazareth to the hill country of Judea to spend time with her kinswoman Elizabeth; but this was no typical visit.

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Yoga Instructor Followed “Voice” That Got Her Lost for 17 Days

A 35-year-old physical therapist and yoga instructor said she was following a “voice” during a hike on Maui that not only got her lost, but left her stranded in the wilderness for 17 days.

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How Planned Parenthood Dupes Women into Believing They Care

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Did you ever wonder why women continue to fall for Planned Parenthood’s disingenuous drivel? An interview that aired this week with Planned Parenthood president Dr. Leana Wen about the impending closure of Missouri's only abortion clinic is the prefect example of how artfully women are being deceived by both the abortion industry and their lackeys in the mainstream media.

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Virgin Most Powerful

May 30

“God has fashioned and shaped only one enmity, and that an irreconcilable one, which will endure and even increase, until the end. It is that between the Virgin Mary and the Devil, between the children and servants of the Blessed Virgin and the children and accomplices of Satan; so that the most terrible of the enemies of Satan created by God is Mary, his Blessed Mother.”

-St. Louis de Montfort


Today’s Reflection:

How fortunate we are to have Mary as our Blessed Mother for always. How can I increase my love and respect for my Blessed Mother?

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SCOTUS Upholds Part of Indiana’s Abortion Law

A ruling handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday upheld a portion of an Indiana law requiring that fetal remains be disposed of properly, but declined to take up the challenge about blocking abortions on the basis of sex, race or disability – for now.

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June 2nd Day of Prayer for President

Evangelist Franklin Graham and more than 250 Christian leaders across the country are calling for a special day of prayer for President Donald J. Trump on Sunday, June 2 to combat the fierce attacks that have been leveled against this president.

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The secret of the Rosary

May 29

“After the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, there is nothing in the Church I love as much as the Rosary.”

-Our Lady to Blessed Alan de la Roche


Today’s Reflection:

What do I love about praying the Rosary? How has it transformed my life this year thus far?

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