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Lenten Journey with the Saints: February 29

February 29
“To do penance is to bewail the evil we have done, and to do no evil to bewail.”
-Pope St. Gregory I: Homilies on the Gospels (6th century)
Today's Reflection
It’s tough to admit that we’ve sinned, but admission and confession is the only path to healing and new hope. Take time to ponder the areas of your life in which you have sinned, or fallen short. Make the sacrament of reconciliation a priority during the Lenten season.

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Lenten Journey with the Saints: February 28

February 28
“Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we
may get to heaven.”
-St. Rose of Lima
Today's Reflection
Accepting the crosses in our lives isn’t easy, but when done so for love of Our Lord, they become remarkably easier to carry. What crosses are you trying to carry alone? Give them to Jesus and let Him lighten the load!

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Love beyond our capacity

February 27
“There are ways of being crucified that do not involve rough wood or heavy nails, but a love beyond our capacity to love, which means a love that has been given to us by God…”
-Servant of God Catherine Doherty
Today's Reflection
Only with God’s grace can we truly understand that real love knows how to suffer for the beloved, and it does so joyfully. Where might you suffer more cheerfully for others?

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Beware of Phony Coronavirus Cures

As the coronavirus continues to spread across the world, the fake cures, hoaxes and conspiracies theories are popping up almost as fast as new cases. The bottom line is simple: don’t believe everything you read on the Internet.

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A Four Point Plan to Make a Good Lent

I'm re-posting this blog which was written several years ago.  It contains a four point plan to help you make this a good Lent and some wisdom from my granddaughter Julia.  At the bottom, I've shared the podcast from yesterday's Women of Grace Live radio program as well as my Lenten themed e-book.  During the program we talked about this blog and had a lively, thought-provoking discussion about it.  Please read, listen and share.

May God bless you abundantly this Lent.  

This morning, my somewhat precocious six year old granddaughter and I had a conversation over breakfast:

“Grandma,” she said gazing out of the kitchen window in our Florida home.

“Yes, Julia?” said I.

“Pretty soon Easter will be here because it is Spring outside.”

“Yes, you are right. Ash Wednesday is this week and that begins the season of Lent.”

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Ash Wednesday

February 26
“Ash Wednesday is considered the 'door' to Lent.”
-Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Today's Reflection
Today is the beginning of a 40-day campaign dedicated to ridding ourselves of vice and filling ourselves with virtue. Bring your plans for this Lenten season to the feet of the Crucified and ask for His blessing as you begin this sacred journey.
      (Quote from Graceful Living)

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How Does Lent Lead to Healing?

by Kathleen Beckman

Lent’s forty days of prayer and fasting offer a process of healing and liberation. In Lent we place ourselves nearer to the suffering servant, Jesus Christ. We ponder the Redeemer’s suffering. We remember that Christ’s Passion sanctified all human suffering. We relate to His pain because we are touched by the corporate weight of sin and evil in the world. It rubs against us in ordinary life. The Christian is called to push back the tsunami of sin and evil.

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It is good when a soul loves solitude

February 25

"It is good when a soul loves solitude; it's a sign that it takes delight in God and enjoys speaking with Him."

-St. Jane Frances de Chantal


For Reflection:

How do I respond to solitude? Do I embrace it or flee from it? What does this tell me about my interior life and my relationship with God?

      (Quote from Graceful Living)

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