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Vatican Headlines: “The 100 Days That Did Not Shake the World”

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer A front page editorial in the Vatican’s official newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, under the headline, “The 100 Days That Did Not Shake the World” said the new president has operated with more caution than predicted in most areas, including economics and international relations.

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300,000 Petition Signatures Delivered to Notre Dame and Rome

by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer The first 300,000 names of concerned Catholics and their bishops who signed a petition in protest of Notre Dame’s decision to honor President Barack Obama at this year’s commencement were delivered yesterday to University president Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., the Board of Trustees and the Board of Fellows. The names of the petitioners is being delivered in time for meetings scheduled to take place on Friday, May 1, at Notre Dame.  

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Miracle Attributed to Cardinal Newman Approved by the Church

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer A panel of theological consultors has unanimously agreed that the inexplicable healing of an American man who was "bent double" by a severe spinal disorder came as a result of praying to Cardinal John Henry Newman for a miracle. The decision will allow Pope Benedict XVI to declare him "Blessed.”

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Going to San Antonio

Today I am going to San Antonio to speak at a luncheon tomorrow hosted by Guadalupe Radio Network. I have had the privilege of being a Catholic communicator via Catholic radio since 1987. I was asked to produce and host a show on the radio station owned by my own diocese, the Diocese of St. Petersburg. At that time the call letters were its name -- WBVM -- in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Today it is known as Spirit FM. Sadly, our program is no longer heard locally here due to format changes. Given the fact that when I began in Catholic radio there were only 7 Catholic radio stations in the United States, it makes me a bit of a pioneer in using the airwaves to present the teachings of Sacred Scripture and the Holy Catholic Church. Of the 7 stations, only 2 were used for evangelization purposes. The other 5, though owned by dioceses, were "easy listening" stations and acquired revenue for the dioceses via advertising dollars. One short year later after our radio program's debut, I began to do programming for EWTN and have been on the air through EWTN since. Our radio program has been on EWTN's radio network since the radio network began and we now enjoy listeners hearing the program through over 200 Catholic radio stations in the US, and also via Sirius Satellite Radio and EWTN's short wave radio which take the signal worldwide. I support Catholic radio. I believe in the benefit of Catholic radio. And I seek to be of service to Catholic radio. I consider it to be one of the most effective means of evangelization today, and hope to see Catholic radio reach even more deeply into the minds, hearts, and ears of people throughout the US and the world. If you have Catholic radio in your area, consider sending a few dollars its way. Catholic stations are on the air because of your donations and contributions. And, so are Catholic radio program providers like ourselves. We need your help, too. We depend on your support to keep our program on the air. All of us are seeking one goal and one goal only -- to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the people of our country and the world. If we do that, we will solve our cultural, social, and political issues according to the mind of God. And we will experience a day and time of peace, a peace that surpasses understanding no matter the circumstance. Johnnette's radio program, Women of Grace Live can be heard Monday through Friday at 11 AM (ET) via EWTN Radio and its affiliates, on channel 160 Sirius Satellite, and short wave radio. The program is also podcast and is available for download or listening at      

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