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A Hope-Filled Prayer O sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, may my soul ever yearn Towards Thee: May my soul seek Thee, find Thee, tend Towards attainment of Thee, Ever meditate on Thee, And do all things to the praise and glory of Thy Holy Name. Do Thou alone be my hope, My whole trust, My delight, My joy, My rest, My peace and my sweet contentment. Do Thou alone be my refuge and my help, My wisdom and my possession, My treasure in whom my heart and my soul remain fixed immovably, Forever. Amen St. Bonaventure For Reflection: I will pray this prayer from my heart, uniting myself to Jesus Christ my Lord, confident in the mercy of the Father and the grace of the Holy Spirit.

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Final Preparations Underway for JPII Beatification

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Final preparations are underway in Rome for the beatification of Pope John Paul II on Mercy Sunday, including the transporting of his casket from the Vatican crypt to a place of honor in front of the tomb of St. Peter.

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University of Chicago Promotes Pedophilia and Incest - in the Name of Diversity!

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The need to bow at the altar of "diversity" sank to new lows this week when it was revealed that the University of Chicago provided $3,200 to a student group's traveling "leather library" exhibit that eroticizes pedophilia, incest, and some of the most deviant pornographic perversions known to mankind.

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Lawyers Warn School About Requiring Students to Complete Sexual Survey Without Parental Consent

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Attorneys are demanding that a Massachusetts school district cease its practice of requiring students to complete surveys asking overtly intimate and sexually suggestive questions without their parents’ knowledge or written consent.

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Cardinal George Suspends Controversial Pastor

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Cardinal Francis George has suspended Father Michael Pfleger, the controversial pastor of Chicago's St. Sabina Catholic Church and has barred him from performing his priestly duties because of public statements he made about a possible reassignment.

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"Wait upon the Lord: wait upon Him patiently, wait upon Him by avoiding all sin. He will come; doubt it not. To this firm hope, join the practice of virtue, and even in this life you will begin to taste the ineffable joys of Paradise." St. Bernard For Reflection: What great spiritual advice St. Bernard gives us! Which part of this quote speaks most to your heart and why? How can you begin to cooperate with grace to see it through?

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DOMA Lawyer Refuses to be Bullied

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The lawyer who stepped in to defend the federal ban on gay marriage after it was abandoned by the Obama Administration said he will continue to fight for the law in spite of resigning from the law firm that was bullied into dropping the case by homosexual activists.

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"Wherefore with full assurance let us partake of the Body and Blood of Christ, that thou be made of the same body and blood with Him. For thus we come to bear Christ in us." St. Cyril of Jerusalem For Reflection: What quality of heart must we bring to the Sacrament to make it efficacious in us according to St. Cyril? Read 2 Peter 1:4. What does he tell us?

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