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Passion of Christ

August 31

"Jesus prayed, preached and gave us the example of how we should live. But is that all He did to save the world? No, He saved it primarily by His Passion and Death."

-Emil Neubert, SM, STD


Today’s Reflection:

Are you ready to help conquer the world for Christ? Then be prepared to suffer in union with Him. Like Christ and our Blessed Mother, all true apostles have understood the redemptive value of suffering.

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You are a witness of Christ!

August 30

"As a Christian, you are a witness of Christ; therefore give testimony to Him!"

-Emil Neubert, SM, STD


Today’s Reflection:

No one can argue with your own testimony because it's yours. In the Women of Grace Foundational Study we teach participants the short formula, "I was... Jesus did...I am." Think about your life of conversion and compose your testimony so that you can share the reason for your hope, the next time the opportunity presents itself.

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The apostolic prayer par excellence

August 29
"Among all the prayers to the Blessed Virgin, there is one that can be called the apostolic prayer par excellence, namely, the Rosary.
-Emil Neubert, SM, STD
Today’s Reflection:
Our Lady of Fatima asked that we pray the rosary daily but often life gets in the way. Will you recommit to praying the rosary every day for the salvation of souls?

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Pray! Pray!

August 28

"Pray! Pray! Undertake nothing without prayer!"

-Emil Neubert, SM, STD


Today’s Reflection:

Many a marvelous work for the Lord has crumbled because it was not sustained by prayer. It is the most effective and easiest form of apostolate. Do you pray as if your work, especially your work as a member of the Church Militant, depended on it?

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Mary’s Evangelization Plan

In his book, Queen of Militants, Father Emil Neubert teaches Christian militants that no attempt to spread the message of salvation to a soul should be attempted without prayer. But once we've done so, he lays out a plan on how to evangelize like Christ in a way that only Mary can teach us.

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The "Monica" Method: How to Evangelize Your Loved One

The next two days mark the feasts of two great saints of the Church, a mother and a son, whose lives give testimony to a sure-fire method of evangelizing those we love.

St. Monica (August 27) is the mother of St. Augustine (August 28), though Augustine was no saint when Monica began her earnest intercession. At that time he was a pagan and a member of the heretical Manichean sect. He was known to be a carouser who lived with a woman to whom he had fathered a child. A brilliant mind, he was "devoted" to his views and his lifestyle, and had no intention of converting to the Catholic faith.

St. Monica was distraught about her son's dissolute ways and decided to do something about it. She prayed. And in the end, her prayers won the soul of her son.

What was it that made St. Monica's prayers so effective? I think five strategies are primarily responsible. Perhaps you can implement them as you seek to evangelize those you love.

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Mary, Mother of the Body of Christ

August 27
"Jesus is truly born of Mary; the elect also are born of her. Mary is the Mother of the natural body of Jesus Christ and also of His mystical Body."
-Father Guillame-Joseph Chaminade
Today’s Reflection:
It will always be Mary's mission to give Christ to to the world by forming her other children to His resemblance. How are you allowing Our Blessed Mother to form you into another Christ?

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A Course in Miracles Gets a Glowing (and False) Do-Over by Media

Ever since Marianne Williamson, a well-known New Age guru and cheerleader for A Course in Miracles, entered the presidential race, there have been many articles written about the Course, some of which are very misleading.

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