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Why Blame Jesus For What Judas Did?

The priest abuse scandal is a disgrace, as was the Pachamama debacle at the Amazonian Synod and the dissident priests who are running amok, promoting everything from same-sex marriage to goofy New Age gimmicks like the Enneagram; but every time I start to attack the Church for its pitiful condition I feel a check in my spirit and instantly think of a meme someone posted on Facebook a few months ago - “Why would I give up Jesus because of what Judas did?” Why am I blaming the Church for what a few bad actors are doing?

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Put out into the deep

January 31

"And when he had ceased speaking, he said to Simon, 'Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.'"

-Luke 5:4


Today's Reflection:

St. John Paul II encouraged all Catholics to enter the hope-filled waters of the New Evangelization. Here are eight ways you can prepare yourself to share the Catholic Faith with others (PASS IT ON): Pray, accept the call, study, sacrifice, intercede, teach by example, organize your testimony, no excuses!

Prayerfully read each word and then plan a personal strategy to implement it in your daily life. Through the grace of God, we can work together to infuse the world with the Truth who is Jesus Christ.

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Let us forgive

January 30
"Let us forgive and ask forgiveness!...The acceptance of God's forgiveness leads to the commitment to forgive our brothers and sisters and to be reconciled with them."
-St. John Paul II
Today's Reflection:
What practical strategies can you implement to live a life of forgiveness
as encouraged by St. John Paul II?

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“Because I Know We are One”: Helen Alvaré on Hope for a Church in Crisis

Photo Courtesy of Even the Sparrow

When I was invited to attend the FOCUS conference, SLS20: “Made for Mission” in Phoenix Dec 30-Jan 3, I jumped at the chance. The prior year’s event, SEEK2019, had been attended by some friends who declared it life-changing. And to have it in my backyard? Count me in!

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Deliver us again

January 29
"On Him we have set our hope that He will deliver us again."
-2 Corinthians 1:10
Today's Reflection:
God will intervene. He will come to our aid. He does have a plan. And His plan is devised for our welfare. This calls us reflect prayerfully on the challenges we are facing, the difficulties that are presenting themselves, the trials that are bearing down on us, and to ask this question: Where is God in this situation, and what is He saying to me? I know that He is involved -- Scripture has told me that. So what are His will and His purpose in the midst of this event?

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Shen Yun: The Disturbing Backstory

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Over the past month, we have received several requests from people who received gifts to Shen Yun performances as Christmas gifts. At first, I was surprised by the question because I had seen ads in my hometown for these shows and thought they looked like spectacular performances (albeit a bit pricey). But then I started to do a little research and was quite surprised by what I found.

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Love your neighbor

January 28
"The first is, 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' The second is this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these."
-Mark 12:28-31
Today's Reflection:
The passage reveals an important truth to us about the virtue of charity: true love of neighbor flows from true love of God. Jesus tells the scribe that the first commandment is to love God with the entirety of our being. Then we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. The love of God is a prerequisite for love of neighbor and for every charitable action.
Practicing the corporal works of mercy is a practical way to grow in the virtue of charity. Seek at least one way that you can do so this week.
(1) Feed the hungry.
(2) Give drink to the thirsty.
(3) Clothe the naked.
(4) Shelter the homeless.
(5) Visit those in prison.
(6) Comfort the sick.
(7) Bury the dead.

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If one member suffers

January 27
"If one member suffers, all suffer together."
-1 Corinthians 12:26
Today's Reflection:
In the Mystical Body, we are one in Christ Jesus. Even when it is not consciously experienced, suffering -- the common denominator of the human condition -- unites us with an unbreakable bond. But suffering itself begs us to ask questions. Why do we suffer? Why does God permit suffering to exist? What is suffering's purpose? Ponder them during your time of prayer today.

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Beacon of hope

January 26
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too."
-2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Today's Reflection:
How can your personal testimony be a beacon of hope and a light of faith illuminating the way to forgiveness through Christlike love and compassion?

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