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Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Mother Angelica



This week we join the entire EWTN Family in remembering and celebrating the most extraordinary life of Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation on this, the one year anniverary of her death.
EWTN will have a special week of programming honoring Mother Angelica's life, remembering her legacy, and praying for the eternal repose of her soul.
For your convenience, we offer you these helpful links so that you may fully participate in all of these events:
Mother Angelica's Memorial Website:
EWTN Family Celebration in tribute to EWTN Foundress, Mother Mary Angelica:
Schedule of Event Programming:
EWTN Channel Finder:
EWTN Youtube Channel:
Rest in peace dear Mother Angelica, good and faithful servant and bride of Christ.
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord.  And let the perpetual light shine upon her. And may the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.In His Service,
Johnnette's Signature
Johnnette S. Benkovic


















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A Miracle for Our Time


Have you heard of the Eucharistic Miracle approved in Poland? What does it have to do with our day in time?  What does it tell us about God's mercy?  This is just what we discussed last week during a special Women of Grace Live radio program with our staff journalist, Sue Brinkmann, OCDS, to talk about a Eucharistic Miracle in Poland that was recently declared by the Catholic Church to be authentic.

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Year of Mercy Live EWTN Youtube Broadcast with Fr. Wade Menezes

Dear Friends,

It was my great pleasure to have Fr. Wade Menezes as my guest today on the Women of Grace Live radio program here at EWTN studios to discuss the Year of Mercy and the abundant graces Our Father God is be pouring out upon us during this Extraordinary Jubilee Year.  I invite you to watch the recording below. Be sure to tune in next week for another broadcast with Fr. Wade in which we will delve deeper into the topic of mercy.  Please be sure to watch and share this important message with your friends and loved ones.

Now is the time of mercy! signature

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To Attend, or Not to Attend

The following post is from the Catholic Answers website.  I mentioned it on the Women of Grace Live radio program today and am posting it here for those who have been struggling with this issue.

I have been an apologist for Catholic Answers since 2003. When people find out how long I've been with Catholic Answers, they sometimes ask, "What is the most-asked question you receive?" That's easy: Can I go to this wedding? The question has been asked so often, in fact, that in 2007 I created a checklist for laypeople to use to decide for themselves if they could go to a particular wedding. In the years since, that checklist has become one of the most-viewed apologist Q&A's on the Catholic Answers Forums, with over 75,000 views.

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Join Our #50ShadesofGrace Rosary Novena!


"Those whose hearts are pure are the temples of the Holy Spirit."                                                                                    - Saint Lucy

We invite you to participate in our #50ShadesofGrace Novena to pray against the potentially devastating impact of the "Fifty Shades of Grey" movie.  This prayer campaign will begin on February 6th and end on February 14th, the Feast of St. Valentine, coinciding with World Marriage Day.To join this effort, just pick up your rosary beads and fervently pray the rosary every day for the intention of helping people embrace the gift of true intimacy versus the perversion of it that is so rampant in our culture today.Here are some helpful links to aid you in your participation in this Novena along with some other resources to work against the impact of the "Fifty Shades of Grey" movie.

  • Join our St. Valentine Novena of Masses for Marriage.
  • Click here to learn how to pray the rosary via EWTN.
  • Support "Old Fashioned," an alternative movie that upholds virtue and God-honoring courtship, also opening on St. Valentine's Day.
  • Say "no" to porn by joining the "50 Shades Boycott" here.
  • Help someone who is struggling with pornography by sharing this book.
  • Click here for free videos on the rosarypornography addiction, and recovery from sexual abuse.
Please be sure to share this information as widely as possible via Facebook, Twitter, and every means of media using the hashtag #50ShadesofGrace so that we can create a tidal wave of grace upon our land.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

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Remembering Helen Hull Hitchcock, 'a true daughter of God'

HHHrgb1This week, the EWTN family pays tribute to Helen Hull Hitchcock, a true daughter of God and defender of Catholic faith and family.  She was a pioneer in the renewal of the sacred liturgy and reclaiming women's authentic role in the Church.

In October of 2003,  I had the great privilege of interviewing her about Pope John Paul II's then new encyclical Ecclesia Dei, which sought to correct many of the liturgical abuses that were taking place at that time.  You can watch our interview here.

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