Regarding the boy who stabbed her to death when she would not cooperate with his desire to rape her:
"I forgive Alessandro. I forgive him with all my heart; and I want him to be with me in heaven."
-St. Maria Goretti
For Reflection:
If this precious young woman can forgive her murderer, who am I to hold on to the offenses committed against me?
A Handbook on Guadalupe Click Here For More Information
Francis Mary Pb 224 pgs Forward Page xiv is always at the center of the great struggle between light and darkness. In the last book of the Bible, the Apocalypse, we read about the woman about to bring forth a male child and of another portent which appeared in the sky, "a huge red dragon." The dragon represents Satan, the personal power of evil, as well as all the powers of evil at work in history and opposing the mission of Christ and His Church. Satan is waiting to destroy the Child.