“When you observe true obedience with prudence and enthusiasm, it is clear that you wisely pick the most delightful and nourishing fruit of divine Scripture.”
~St. Bruno
For Reflection:
Why do you think St. Bruno considers obedience to be the most delightful and nourishing fruit of divine Scripture? In what one way can you practice obedience with prudence and enthusiasm today?
In Conversation with God Vol 5 - Ordinary Time: Wks 24-34 Francis Fernandez-Carvajal Click Here For More Information: TWENTY-SEVENTH WEEK: Thursday 34.THE NAME OF GOD AND HIS KINGDOM 34.1 Ways of sanctifying the name of God. The first petition in the Our Father. As soon as we have realized our dignity as children of God, we will experience the tenderness for our Parent that is felt by all true sons and daughters. In this, the first of seven petitions of the Our Father prayer, we ask that God be known, loved, honoured, and served by the whole world, especially by ourselves...Jesus told St Catherine of Siena: Be you concerned about me, and I will be concerned about you.