Look up, sweet Babe, look up and see
For love of Thee
Thus far from home
The east is come
To seek herself in Thy sweet eyes;
We, who strangely went astray,
Lost in a bright
Meridian night,
A darkness made of too much day,
Beckon’d from far
By Thy fair star,
Lo at last have found our way.
Richard Crashaw: The Glorious Epiphany of Our Lord, Hymn(17th Century)
For Reflection:
A brilliant star led the magi to the manger of the Child Jesus. What (or who) have been the “stars” in my life that have led me to Jesus? I will say a prayer of thanksgiving for all of these stars who have helped me grow in relationship with Our Lord. (Hint: Read “A Prayer Time Reflection” in Chapter 5 of Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life for more insight.).