"If so many people believe in heaven and hell while also believing that this life will determine which destination will be theirs, why don't we see more evidence of that belief?
~Regis J. Flaherty
For Reflection:
What do I believe about heaven and hell? Does my life show evidence of that belief?
Divine Mercy in My Soul: Diary of St Faustina St. Faustina Kowalska Pb 730 pgs Click Here For More Information Introduction When she was only seven (two years before her First Holy Communion), Helen already sensed in her soul the call to embrace the religious life. When later she made her desire known to her parents, they categorically did not acquiesce in her entering a convent. Because of this situation Helen strove to stifle this divine call within her. Pressed on, however, by a vision of the suffering Christ and by the words of His reproach: "How long shall I put up with you and how long will you keep putting Me off?" (Diary 9), she began to search for a convent to join. She knocked on many a convent door, but nowhere was she accepted.