“If we were not prepared to meet the temptations that we are to undergo, we would open the door to a great enemy – discouragement and gloominess.”
~Francis Fernandez
For Reflection:
Wow! Could it be that I my discouragement and gloominess comes from being ill-prepared to meet the temptations and challenges of life? How can I be better prepared? (Tomorrow’s Grace Line will give you some ways.)
Abandoned: The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars by Monica Miller: H C, 336 pages Click Here For More Information PROLOGUE THE STORY I HAVE TO TELL When I was nine years old I made a peace treaty with the animals. I wrote it out on a sheet of wide-ruled notebook paper--the kind of paper used by a grade school student, using a ball point pen rather than a pencil, I intended the treaty to be permanent. The treaty was a perpetual commitment that I would never harm an animal as long as I lived. After writing out my pledge, I punctured my finger with a pin and signed the treaty in blood, thinking treaties were signed that way. I rolled it up as if it were composed on the finest parchment and tied a piece of red ribbon around the scroll. I even crumbled the paper slightly to make it look old as most important documents seemed worn in appearance.