March 18
Remain Serene Even When Misunderstood, Day 1
“When, through the reception of God’s favors, we are placed in a false light, we should rejoice that God has enabled us to overturn the idol of our self-love and thus to love Him above all things for His own love-worthy sake.”
Today's Reflection:
Read John 15: 18-21. What parallels do you see between this quote and the scripture passage? Think of a time when you have been misunderstood. How did you respond? In light of these quotes and in light of your increase of wisdom, what would be your response now? Make a promise to try to remember this lesson of Our Lady the next time you are misunderstood.
As of today, how is your Lent going so far? Where is God calling you to go deeper with prayer, fasting and almsgiving? If you are looking for Lenten ideas, click here for a great tool to help you at this time!
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New! 2018 Spring Courses - Benedicta Leadership Institute for Women - Registration Open - Begins January 2018
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