At Judgment: "The soul sees what God intended it to be. And the soul sees what obstacles it erected - its selfishness, its cowardice, its shallow satisfactions, its perversions of God's graces and His gifts. All this came between God and the soul in life."
~Susan Tassone
For Reflection:
What will I see at the moment of my particular judgment? Will I see that I have created obstacles between my soul and God? What might they be? I pray for the grace to dismantle these obstacles in this life so I will not take them with me to eternal life. (See tomorrow's Grace Line for some helpful hints on how to do this.)
Divine Mercy in My Soul: Diary of St Faustina St. Faustina Kowalska Pb 730 pgs Click Here For More Information Introduction To this simple, uneducated, but courageous woman religious, who trusted Him without limit, Our Lord Jesus consigned the great mission to proclaim His message of mercy directed to the whole world: "Today," He told her, "I am sending you with My mercy to the people of the whole world. I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to my My merciful Heart" (Diary, 1588). "You are the secretary of My mercy; I have chosen you for that office in this and the next life" (Diary, 1605)..."to make known to souls the great mercy that I have for them, and to exhort them to trust in the bottomless depth of My mercy" (Diary, 1567).